The 2018 CPSK Cerebral Palsy Charity Walk

The Cerebral Palsy Society of Kenya (CPSK) fraternity wishes to invite you the 2018 Cerebral Palsy Charity Walk which is scheduled to take place on 23 rd June 2018 at Citam Buruburu . As you are aware, CPSK has been a leader in the campaign to create awareness and advocate for the rights of persons afflicted by Cerebral Palsy (CP) in Kenya. This year’s theme is ‘Every Child Counts’ . This year, we intend to raise 20 Million to buy two mini vans to facilitate the transportation of children to – and from- the CPSK special school. The school has admitted 45 learners, out of these children 20 cannot report because of lack of transport. As you are aware, the transport system in Kenya is not equipped for children/persons with CP. The society has also not yet understood the condition and hence still stare or stigmatize the families. Currently the society uses a van donated by one of the parents - the van can only accommodate 11 children...